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Southren Academy

Unlock your potential with our transformative suite of bespoke coaching and course offerings for individuals and firms to build successful, sustainable businesses with confidence and competence.


In our highly-effective, personalized One-on-One Coaching Programs, our certified coaches take our clients through a series of sessions in support of business development growth, achieving results, strategic planning and ‘just-in-time’ coaching sessions that address any areas of immediate need.

In our proprietary Know. Be. Do. Group Training Programs, participants are guided through a mix of both knowledge transfer - training - and activation around that learning - coaching. We focus on the topics that are vital to all levels of business development proficiency and the practical aspects of applying them within a personal context.

Our Career Transition + Outplacement Programs help our clients gain confidence, clarity and essential tools for navigating changes effectively. Our services include career counselling and coaching, interview prep, job search strategies, networking guidance, and access to opportunities, aimed to help individuals overcome challenges and land roles aligning with their objectives.

Our Specialty Programs, including firm-wide retreats and Strategic Planning Program, and Woman Managing Partner Forum, are designed to address firm-specific challenges and help to move everyone in the firm toward the collective future vision of success.

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