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Know. Be. Do. Group Training

Get the results you want for you and your firm by doing the right things, from the right mindset.

Built upon our foundational principles of engaging, inspiring and empowering, and rooted in best practices of neuroscience and adult learning, our proprietary Know. Be. Do. :: Business Development Foundations Program is designed to guide participants, over the course of six months, through a hands-on process of developing an individualized plan that will enable them to take ownership of their practices, increase the impact of their business development activities, and create businesses filled with the type of work they want to do - with and for the people they want to work with.

Program Themes:


  • Know Yourself: Vision, Value + Personal Brand

  • Build Your Network: Understanding the Power of Relationships

  • Set Your Habits: Personal Practices For Business Development Success

Program Elements:


  • DiSC Psychographic Assessment

  • Three 3-hour workshops

  • Four one-on-one coaching sessions for each participant

  • A variety of self-directed learning opportunities and tools to support them

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